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segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2014

ok everybody, let's all of us learn a little of hebrew!!
let's start with the verb " To Know " (Lada'at) לדעת

I, You, He - (Yode'a) יודע
I, You, She - (Yoda'at) יודעת
We, you,They - (Yoda'im) יודעים
We, you,They- (Yoda'ot) יודעות

this is the conjugated form for the "Present Verb"
some exemple;

"I don't know you" אני לא יודע אותך
"She knows that you love her" היא יודעת שאתה אוהב אותך
"We know Jerusalem" אנוחנו יודעים ירושלים

now let's see the "PAST"
the past is very easy because it only change the end of the words, so pay attention for the last particle;

I Knew (ani yadaaTI) אני ידעתי
You Knew (ata yadaaTA) אתה ידעת
You Knew (at yadaaT) את ידעת
He Knew (hu yadaa) הוא ידע
She Knew (he yadaA) היא ידעה
We Knew (anachnu yadaaNU) אנחנו ידענו
You Knew (atem yadaaTEM) אתם ידעתם
You Knew (aten yadaaTEN) אתן ידעתן
They Knew (hem yad'U) הם ידעו
They Knew (hen yad'U) הן ידעו

I Knew it! אני ידעתי את זה

now the "FUTURE" my friends 
well, the future is more simple than the past...
we have just to put one letter before the root (in some persons we also need to put in the end) take a look!

I Will Know (ani Eda) אני אדע
You Will Know (ata TEda) אתה תדע
you Will Know (at TEd'I) את תדעי
He Will Know (hu YEda) הוא ידע
She Will Know (he TEda) היא תדע
We Will Know (anachnu NEda) אנחנו נדע
You Will Know (atem TEd'U) אתם תדעו
You Will Know (aten TEd'U) אתן תדעו
They Will Know (hem YEd'U) הם ידעו
They Will Know (hen YEd'U) הן ידעו

that's all people, if you like it, please share!

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