The alphabet in portuguese, is very simple my friends;
so let's see how simple it is...
first of all I'm going to show you the letters' sounds ok? so let's go!
ok everyone, let's work on Portuguese's pronunciation because it is the most important for us who is beginning that language;
so then, we're going to learn how to read everything in Portuguese, so don't be scare my friends because it's very easy, more than you thing it is.
so let's start letter by letter, each letter forming every syllable in Portuguese;
A Important thing to know are the Vowel, they are;
A - E - I - O - U
Their Sounds:
A = AH - E = EH - I = E - O = OH - U = UH
Everytime you see them forming a Syllable, you have just to remember those sounds and pronunciation them.
ok, let's take the consonats and forming syllable with the vowel, so look at the sound, because it never change.
B - the letter "b" will sound the same way we produce in English, like;
Ball, book, table...
below i'm putting the syllable and the right side i'm going to put the sound.
Ba = (bah ) Be = (beh) Bi = (be) Bo = (boh) Bu = (boo)
some words to practice:
Babá (bah-bah) = Babysitter
Bobo (boh-boh) = Silly
Bebê (beh-beh) = baby
C - that letter has the soung of the letter "k", so when we put the vowel together it produce the sound...
Ca = (kah) Co = (Koh) Cu = (Kuh)
people, as you can see, it's missing the syllable "ce" and "ci" so why did it happen ?
well, because those two syllable produce a different sound according our grammar rule, so let's see their sound then.
Ce = (seh) Ci = (sii)
Cair (Kah-e-h) = fall (it's important to pronunciated the letter "h" at the end of the pronunciation)
cacau (kah-kah-uh) = Cocoa
cóco (koh-koh) = coconut
D - The letter "Deh" got the same sound than the english, like "David" let's see some exemple;
F -
G -
H -
J -
K -
L -
M -
N -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z -